One-of-a-kind Residence $974,800 ⁞ Alexandria VA 22301
Should you make an offer buy 720 McKenzie Ave? Sometimes, the answer to a question is more questions.
Do you need 2 full baths and 1 half baths? Are you searching for a 21st-century place of residence in 22301 in the City of Alexandria?
Can you afford $974,800? Is it actually worth $1,023,540 or $926,060? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $6,029 on this home purchase? Julie Nesbitt can explain how the U.S. Tax Code allows a home shopper to deduct the interest on your mortgage. She is not a tax advisor or tax preparer, but
Julie Nesbitt can help you understand the basics that every American should know.
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